Melbourne Property Lawyers
From builders, to owners, to Corporate Property Developers, our clients receive expert guidance from lawyers with over 20 years’ experience in national and international development.
Practice Areas
- Building & Construction Contracts
- Property Development & Planning Advice
- VCAT Applications & Objections
- Major Infrastructure Projects
- Building Act Advice
- Land Management Agreements
We will assist you navigating the highs and lows of the planning and development process, no matter what side of the fence you find yourself on.
In tackling any planning or property matter, there’s a calculation to be done, namely “risk vs reward”, when:
- planning a property purchase, sale or development in Victoria;
- being or becoming a landlord; or
- running a retail or commercial business.
This is particularly the case in the current economic climate where land (and therefore rent) is highly valuable; ‘land banking’ is no longer cost effective; Stamp Duty is reaching all-time highs; sunset clauses are under the microscope; and retail leases have just expanded their meaning to incorporate more than was ever expected.
Nobody is more aware of these factors than the team at DSA Law, whose Partners boast considerable and ongoing experience as developers, landlords, tenants, vendors and purchasers – not just advisers.
And while there is rarely reward without some risk in any business venture, we take it as our role to minimise the risk when you present your plans to our team.
Think of it as a type of insurance. You bring us your arrangement, we consider it at our commercial rates (we’re probably equivalent to your accountant and/or town planner, and cheaper than your real estate agent) and after proper consideration, you receive advice on legality, frugality and most importantly, reality.
So, what can you expect when you trust DSA Law with your legal work?
Property Transactions
Whether it’s a straight up purchase of land, purchase off-the-plan, we’ve seen it, we’ve advised on it, we’ve advised against it, and we’re ready to look at it as and when required. We are particularly experienced in:
- Sale / Purchase of Residential & Commercial Properties
- Plans of Subdivision
- Stamp Duty Advice
Property Development
Whether it’s a purchase or development of land for the purposes of suburban subdivision, multi-site development, or greenfield development, we’ve seen it, we’ve advised on it, we’ve advised against it, and we’re ready to look at it as and when required.
We are particularly experienced in:
- Sale / Purchase of Development Properties
- Plans of Subdivision
- Stamp Duty Advice
- Joint Venture, Special Purpose Entity, and Collaboration Agreements
- VCAT Applications where local councils or referral authorities need to be “pulled into line”, pursuant to the Planning & Environment Act 1987 (Vic)
- Negotiations and disputes between building contractors and owners, whether under the Building and Construction Industry Security for Payments Act 2002 (Vic), or Domestic Building Contract Act (1995) (Vic), including the new dispute resolution process, or just Building Act 1993 (Vic) issues, we’ve got you covered (see further in our Litigation section).
Landlord / Tenant
Whether it’s retail, commercial, landlord or tenant, we offer a cost effective yet comprehensive approach to issues arising for our clients in:
- negotiating leases and the relevant terms;
- advising on lease extensions or vacating tenancies; or
- coming down hard on landlords or tenants that aren’t behaving, including by engaging in the processes of the Small Business Commissioner and/or VCAT as is required and necessary;
- existing use rights;
- change of liquor license / planning approvals;
- negotiations and advice regarding requirements and removal of s. 173 Planning & Environment Act 1987 (Vic) Agreements, caveats, covenants and easements.
Neighbourhood & Business Interruption
We can assist, whether it’s:
- a neighbour who is breaching the noise pollution requirements of the guidelines of the Environment Protection Authority;
- ingress of water or other pollutants from neighbouring properties actionable under the Water Act 1987 (Vic) or at common law;
- matters arising under the Fencing Act 2014 (Vic);
- adverse possession claims;
- Major Projects disruption under the Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009 (Vic) or the Planning & Environment Act 1987 (Vic); or
- land acquisition issues under the Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986 (Vic).
If you have a Property or related problem that we haven’t seen before, we are confident we can take your instructions, consider the relevant law, and advise you on not only legal, but also commercial bases – this makes the approach of DSA Law to your matter unique, highly valuable.